2024-2025 Invest in TCE




Invest in TCE is one method for you to invest in your children's education and elementary school.  In 2024-2025, Invest in TCE provided funds to purchase software programs, purchase flexible seating, art supplies, classroom board games and many other classroom learning supplies!  As a result of your generous giving, our kids are not required to sell items to family and friends door-to-door throughout the school year.


Our goal is 100% family participation and the suggested donation is $100/family.  However, if that's not possible, we request each family give something... $20, $50, $250.  Any donation is welcome and beneficial (AND tax deductible)!  The money collected is reinvested in new equipment and educational materials for our school.


Many companies offer a matching gift program for their employees, helping us double-or even triple-the impact of your tax-deductible gift to Timber Creek Elementary.

Item DescriptionPriceQty
 Invest in TCE
Suggested donation of $100 per family.

 Write in Amount for Invest in TCE$